Tag Archives: Dubai Mummy bloggers

Kids menus | Why are children offered such poor quality meals?

Why children are served bad food?  Protecting the next generation.

I find it odd with every health movie/article/story out there that children friendly arenas and restaurants are still serving children worse food than they would serve to an adult.  On a typical child’s menu there is pizza, chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese.  Can anyone tell me a venue that provides children with healthy organic alternatives?  I would visit that place more often.

I think it is fine if a parent chooses to serve their children pizza, chicken nuggets and hula hoops from a tin.  Every parent should be allowed to make that choice.  I just think some children venues should also provide a healthier alternative too.  There are plenty of healthy foods that children can eat that isn’t just about salads and carrot sticks if a little thought is placed into it – there are more and more qualified nutritionists around who can create affordable meals that children might like that don’t cost the earth either.  There are also many catering companies that are serving up healthy meals to your doorstep so maybe the children venues and healthy catering companies should combine forces?

For example:

Shepherd’s pie can be served with organic minced meat, organic vegetables are disguised in it and potatoes mixed with mashed cauliflower.

Spaghetti bolognaise can be cooked all organic mince and minced vegetables and some spelt pasta.

Hamburgers can be organic ones that haven’t been hauled out of the freezer.

Fish cakes with peas or mashed cauliflower

Freshly made fish pie and peas

Tempura prawns with soba and udon noodles

Perhaps your children wouldn’t eat any of the above but I would choose it for my children if it were on the menu and I bet there are a million mothers who would do the same – when I visit the locally produced organic shops I see the demand for better food. There are plenty of mothers shopping the best for their children – that is why more and more organic products and supermarkets are coming to the market.  The DEMAND is out there.  I know some nutritionists would still pick holes with my menu above but isn’t it better than hormone-filled chicken and beef?  I believe in one-step at a time.

At the majority of children’s events I attend, I have noticed other mums removing the hormone-filled chicken nuggets from their children’s paper plates discretely and choosing the ‘better’ alternative of ‘deep fried fish fingers’.  I see parents fighting with their children not to drink the chemically created juice that has about 7 lumps of sugar, colouring and additives added to it and trying to persuade them water is best.  On the way home in the car, parents are yelling at their kids not to open all the sweets in the goody bag.  Yes, I am one of those mums.  There are days when I lack the energy to fight and I will give my children what is available.  I just wish there was more choice for children on menus everywhere in the world.

As parents, if we demand better menus for our kids, then surely we are protecting our children.  Restaurants and other children venues would be forced to provide better options.  I really salute Jamie Oliver who really had tried to help the next generation learn more about health in the UK.  We mustn’t stop.

I close my eyes sometimes.  I know I cannot control it all.  I just wish that people would serve quality food to the next generation.  Is it really such a big ask?  I want to tell these businesses, especially those places that classify themselves as five star, that parents would pay for that premium to ensure that their children eat well.  Perhaps if they know they can make money out of healthy children they will make more effort.

Dubai’s new craze | The best workout for mums | NYLA Method from USA

NYLA Method  was brought to Dubai by Andrea deBellis – one of the original founders of Barrecorre on the King’s Road, London.  Lizzie Johnstone, mum of two based in Abu Dhabi, is now very much involved with the NYLA Method business with Andrea.  I wanted to share Lizzie’s story on NYLA Method after Lizzie recommended me to try their prenatal personal training (more on the blog soon about that), and I agree with Lizzie – the NYLA Method team must one of the best types of exercises in Dubai and Abu Dhabi at the moment.  It must be very special too especially when the Harpers Baazar and Emirates Women teams have been spotted (via instragram) at the beautcamp every morning – it’s a 630am start.  Hardcore.

Can you tell us about the NYLA Method?

THE NYLA METHOD is the US Barre workout craze, revamped and refined. It is a fun and dynamic 60 minute workout that targets women’s problem areas, tones every muscle group and boosts metabolism to enable sustainable weight loss. The NYLA Method incorporates concepts from barre fitness, yoga, pilates and cardio to shape and lengthen the body in just under an hour.

Why is it a good exercise/technique for mums to choose?

Mums are very short on time!  This workout is tough but all done in 60 minutes, and it gets results in all the problem areas and fast.   If you are prepared to give up 3 hours per week to a NYLA Class, you will see a change within 2 weeks, and it will knock any other class you do out of the park. Furthermore, the NYLA Method focuses a lot on your core and thus really helps suck your tummy in after pregnancy.

The amazing NYLA Instructors, specifically recruited from the US and Australia to be a part of NYLA, will push you to your limits to help you achieve the best results – and will keep you smiling throughout the process!  They are all so knowledgeable and it is not just a class – they will talk with you about your problem areas and help you work out a plan to improve them.

Why did you choose to get involved with the brand?

I have lived and worked in the UAE for a total of 8 years, with 6 in Abu Dhabi, and have had 2 children since moving here.  I have tried many excercise classes here and never been totally satisfied by any of them.

I’ve been involved in some capacity with NYLA for a long time, and although was previously an account director for an exciting branding agency, when I was asked to get involved on a more permanent basis in helping to launch NYLA – it was an opportunity that I could not refuse.  Andrea DeBellis, our founder, is inspiring and has built an amazing reputation with her knowledge, experience, and ambition.

With my knowledge of the UAE and experience in new business start ups and project management, I am able to help shape the brand to provide something new and exciting with many different levels to not just Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but to the region.

We know that you are a mum to two beautiful boys.  How has it made a difference to your mummy physique after the training?

I struggled with my weight after having both boys, as I found it difficult to find the time to exercise with kids, a busy job, life… and a husband.  The NYLA Method works. FACT.  It has lifted, tightened, squeezed and toned all my problem areas and has made me feel so much more confident in my own skin.  Personally, I saw a difference in 2 weeks, and dropped a dress size within 4 weeks.

How many times a week do you train with the NYLA Method team?

I train with the team 3 times per week – and more if I can fit it in.  I’m totally hooked – and that’s coming from someone who would usually prefer a comfy sofa and a chocolate biscuit!

Were you always into health and nutrition?  What sparked the interest?

I have always been into food!  The health and nutrition part has come in my 30s since having children and realizing that I have the odd extra wrinkle!  I’m passionate about good food and it is so easy in the UAE to eat too much, and of the wrong things.  I’ve tried every diet in the book.  Nothing compares to eating a balanced healthy diet full of fresh fish, fruit and vegetables, coupled with regular focused exercise.  I feel better, have more energy and look a much more improved version of myself…  Hand on heart I look so much better approaching 35 than I ever did in my 20s.

NYLA Method Classes are held at Emirates Golf Club Dubai, Monte-Carlo Beach Club, Saadiyat, and we are shortly to announce classes at The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi. 

Why not kick start your bikini body by trying our Beautcamp at The Fairmont, the palm – 5days a week.  Also watch this space to hear about their new fabulous NYLA Studio to open in Dubai!

They also offer private and small group classes in house or in studio.

All their Classes are LADIES ONLY.

See http://www.nylamethod.com or email info@nylamethod.com for more information. 

Venera Muradyan | Raising Fatuna single-handedly | The love & joy

I met an incredible, beautiful and relentless mum.  Her name is  Venera Muradyan, born and raised in Uzbekistan.  After High School, she moved to Dubai and started her career with the Jumeirah Group and forged out a career for herself.  She now works at The Change Initiative as the distribution head for some amazing eco-friendly products like Ecover and Naty Nappies.  At the same time she is raising her daughter single-handedly who has a condition known as Down’s Syndrome.  Venera tells us more about the beautiful and special relationship she has with her daughter – the joy, love and struggles.

You have a little girl that has a condition known as Down’s syndrome.  Can you describe what down syndrome is and what advice would you give parents who are facing this for the first time?

Yes, I have sweetest, kindest, most charming girl named Fatuna. She is very bright, loves music, dance, painting. She is very affectionate and loves doing things together, watch movie or just lay down. She loves to be praised whenever she has done something well and loves attention. Frankly speaking she is just like every other child on earth. At home we don’t have any inconvenience on day to day basis: she does things on her own, she is very particular on her tidiness. I should thank my mother for this, because she had taken care of her for some time and had developed the best parts of her character.

For some time my mother didn’t want to believe that Fatuna has down syndrome, but I was always open about it. Yes she is special, and we have to do our best in developing and helping her.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by an error in cell division that results in an extra 21st chromosome. Every cell in the body contains genes that are grouped along chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus or center. There are normally 46 chromosomes in each cell, 23 inherited from your mother and 23 from your father. When some or all of a person’s cells have an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21, the result is Down syndrome.

The only factor known to affect the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome is maternal age. That is, less than one in 1,000 pregnancies for mothers less than 30 years of age results in a baby with Down syndrome. For mothers who are 44 years of age, about 1 in 35 pregnancies results in a baby with Down syndrome.

I was 22 when I delivered her and knew nothing about this condition. I used to ask God why it happen to my daughter, and it took some time for me to understand that it happened because my child needed me.

How old is your little girl and when did you find out about her condition?

Fatuna is 5 years and 5 month now. We discovered that she has down syndrome at the time of delivery. I gave a birth in Belhoul Specialty Hospital.  Doctors haven’t told me anything, but spoke to my family.

I had been in the hospital for 3 days before I found out. My mother looked at me and started crying, I asked her if she cries because she is happy, and she had asked me “Don’t you notice anything in Fatuna?”, I said no, but my heart started beating that time. She told me everything, and I couldn’t stop crying.

I looked at Fatuna lying down in that small baby cot, eyes closed, sleeping like an angel. It was a big mess in my mind, lots of thoughts at the same time, and zero understanding what will happen next, but just a little memory of kids with Down Syndrome I have seen in my childhood who didn’t have opportunities to develop and made me cry more.

We did the tests that were sent to Germany; it took 40 days to get the results. In those days we were googling, trying to get to know more, and unfortunately at the hospital where I have delivered they didn’t support me I must say.

Kids with Down syndrome have strong features by which you can recognize them, but we didn’t know them, and continuously pushed ourselves believing she doesn’t have it.  I always say “Google knows everything, ask Google” and we searched for images of kids with down syndrome. At that point of time I understand my little one is a sunny child.

You are raising your little girl on your own after your husband left, which is hard, can you tell us how you balance your time between with your daughter and work?

Frankly…its hard, but the moments we spend together worth of everything.

Fortunately or not, I am a workaholic, and sometimes I don’t know the limits to stop myself thinking of work, but I try to be more organized.

Every evening we spend together, and weekends are usually planned well. I have very good nanny, and I am happy she is with us as when I am at work I relaxed knowing she is in good hands.

Is there a special school in Dubai that you send your little girl?  How has this school benefited her?

Fatuna is a student of DCSN, which is a very nice school.  That was the first school which I visited when she was yet 1 year old.  We have recently started and seen lots of changes in her, she started developing faster, and the main stream for us is her speech.

There are few schools available in Dubai, and I hear a lot of good things about Sheikh Rashid Special Needs School. I follow their Facebook page, and see they do a lot in terms of activities, but space availability is an issue I think in Dubai overall.

Is there more that can help stimulate children that have down syndrome?  What have you discovered that helps your daughter that you can advise other parents?

My daughter stayed in Uzbekistan for some period of time, and she was not exposed to social life much.  It is very important for these kids to have full social life, as they learn through imitating others.  Of course it is important to start motor skills training and speech therapy at earlier stage as most of them face speech difficulties.

For example, we still face an issue for which we didn’t get an answer and I don’t think we will, its all about talking to her. Kids with down syndrome don’t know how life is hard and there are people out there who might hurt them. My daughter doesn’t have a fear and she can go away from us when we are in public place.

What special care does your daughter need or is she quite independent?

Fatuna is developing well. She turns to be one of the best students in her class, and I am very proud.  She is completely independent and does things on her own.

What values do you hope to instill in your daughter as she grows?

I wish she grows up to be a good person, kind and caring.

Every mother reaches moments of exhaustion.  When you feel like that how do you keep going?

If I am very exhausted I usually need to be alone, which doesn’t happen so I meet my friends. They always support me and I am glad I have them around. Or we just stay home with my girl and spend all day together doing nothing but just resting.

What are your biggest fears for your daughter?

My biggest fear is her personal life. My biggest wish is for Fatuna to have her own family and be a mom. I believe she could be lovely mom.

At some point of time, I was down because I thought it would be impossible for her to find her pair, but I got inspired and motivated by watching YouTube video of a down syndrome couple, and understood it is possible and we are going towards it.

You work at the Change Initiative as the distribution head for some amazing brands such as Ecover, Ekobo, Naty and Ulster Weavers.  Can you tell us more about those brands and how they can make a difference to the environment?

All the brands we distribute are in line with our philosophy of feeling good by doing good. We help our customers live a more sustainable lifestyle by offering high standard eco-friendly products. Our environment is preserved as much as your health. Ecover, a range of cleaning solutions, is free of petrochemicals, is made of plant-based ingredients, and is fully biodegradable. Naty wipes and nappies are the best choice for mums. They are as natural as possible and as efficient as traditional products. These products are hypoallergenic, biodegradable, chlorine-free, and no plastic is used; only GM free corn film. Did you know that from birth to toilet training, a baby goes through an average of 8000 diaper changes? So much waste… It is time to act and we offer the best for your baby and the planet!

 What do you enjoy doing to take time out from everything?

I enjoy interacting with like-minded people who have more insight on different perspectives of life. I am always eager to meet professionals and network both personally and professionally.

From Jaipur with Love | Elizabeth Morrison

An old friend in Dubai recently quit her high-flying career to spend more time with her 2 little girls but her creative mind is still at play.  Now with her spare time she has created a beautiful company selling hand-crafted Dhurries from Rajasthan.   We bought 3 beautiful hand made pieces for our own house to brighten up various rooms.

Here is her story:

From Jaipur With Love, is a small company dedicated to sourcing the most beautifully hand crafted Dhurries from Rajasthan. The Dhurries we have sourced quite literally come “From Jaipur with Love”.

We chose Jaipur because it’s a city that has today and historically been dedicated to the pursuit of beauty. This pursuit of beauty dates back to when Jai Singh founded the city and became ruler in 1727. He dedicated his life to the development and betterment of the city and throughout the ages the subsequent Maharajas invited skilled artisans, artists and craftsmen to Jaipur to become pioneers in art and craft. Today Jaipur remains a major hub for the arts in India and indeed around the world.

Each or our Dhurries are hand loomed by skilled artisans and are made from 100% Indian cotton. The colours and designs are delightful, making them not only unique but also incredibly versatile.

Many of our clients not only use them as rugs but also as throws or indeed wall hangings. They are perfect for indoor and outdoor use and can be used all around the house.

For more information about stockists in Dubai please contact Elizabeth Morrison at +971 50 624 8846 or email her at Elizabeth. Alda. Morrison@gmail.com