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Exclusive interview | Partylicious | Farzin Ali shares with us some of her parenting skills and talks about her party business

The first Paul Smith Junior shop | Boulevard Raspail | Paris

Movelab Dance | Dubai | Children aged 3 years to 17 years +
I see Monica Antezana, another class mum, almost everyday at class pick up, and I had no idea that she had a Master of Arts in Performance Studies, Master of Arts in Science of Education, Bachelor of Arts in Dance Choreography. She had been teaching dance in Europe for 20 years before moving to Dubai. I am astonished but perhaps not surprised that this graceful, tall, elegant Bolivian is a professional dancer. She certainly looks the part.
A few of the children from my daughter’s class attend regularly Monica’s Movelab dance class for 4-years old, which aims to bring the intelligent creativity into dance, very different from your regular ballet or jazz classes for children. We wait outside Monica’s class at Ductac, at the Mall of Emirates, and the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement with different classes coming in and out from a variety of performing arts classes that are taking place at the same time. My four year old daughter begs me for a green t-shirt which they wear as part of their dance uniform. She likes it. I can tell she is already comfortable with Monica.
Monica wants to teach the children creativity through dance, to stretch their imagination, to move their bodies, and to help children ultimately with their body awareness and confidence.
I use her words to describe the course:
“This matchless dance course inspires boys and girls to move to learn and learn to move. Children are encouraged to gain confidence in their bodies, trust their ideas and communicate freely. Activities focus on the exploration of movement that activates both sides of the brain and the whole body. Kids investigate 3 main dance concepts: body, space and time –key concepts that can be applied to their learning in school and daily life. Classes include: creative problem solving, movement technique, improvisation, composition and discussion; varied music and props. A creative mover strengthens individuality, discipline, awareness and positive emotions. Creative Movement is a serious-fun brainy-body workout!”
What did my 4 year old think? She thought it was a playdate with her friends and she liked Monica very much because of her warmness and positive energy. I can see that for any of you who did Speech and Drama at school will see this as an extension of that to build confidence and body awareness. An intellectual form of dance to bring out the best in the children. Monica is extremely talented, and a wonderful encourager of children. It’s worth signing up.
Term III: April 12th – June 18th 2015
Kids Creative Movement takes places at Ductac (2nd level of Mall of Emirates), Fondue Art Centre (2nd Al Ghazal Mall, Jumeirah 1), Toddlers Lab at Child’s Play Nursery, Al Manara, and in Capella Club (Silverene Tower, Dubai Marina). The Adults Creative Movement courses take place at Fondue Arts Centre.
Toddlers Lab (ages 2.5 to 3.5 years old) at Child’s Play Nursery, Al Manara
Kids Lab 1 (ages 3.5 to 5.5 years old) 10 classes at Ductac: Tuesdays from 16:25 to 17:10, Enoc Studio. Fee: 900 AED course fee plus 100 AED yearly registration fee and 85 AED t-shirt.
Kids Lab 2 (ages 5.5 to 7.5 years old) classes at Ductac: Mondays from 15:10 to 15:55 at Voltas studio. Fee: 900 AED course fee plus 100 AED yearly registration fee and 85 AED t-shirt.
Kids Lab (ages 3.5 to 5.5 years old) 5 classes at Capella Club: Wednesday from 4:00 to 4:45pm. Fee: 900 AED course fee plus 100 AED yearly registration fee and 85 AED t-shirt.
Adult lab (17 years old +) 4 classes at Fondue Arts Centre: Wednesdays from 20:00 to 21:30pm. On-going course/ Packages of 4 classes of 90 min. each / Fee 540.
056 690 9255 or info@movelabdance.com for information, reservation & registration. www.movelabdance.com