Tag Archives: SOTP

Favourite Books for Boys

Favourite books to read for boys 6 years and over

As a mum, it is easier to figure out what girls like to read but often I am not sure what boys like to read and I researched a bit and now these are household favourites.  I know many people ask me when do boys change from ‘baby picture’ books with great stories like the Gruffalo to real boys stories.  Obviously it depends on the child but my son switched around 5 years-old to boy books but it doesn’t mean he still won’t sit around and still listen even now at 6 years-old to some old favourites with his 3 year-old brother.  Mix it up for them.

Share with us some of your favourites in the comment section too!




Indoor activities Seashells on the Palm

Some of our favourite indoor activities for children

Kids Activities in Dubai or anywhere else in the world.

It’s great to be outdoors now that the weather is fabulous but we all still need a new few ideas for play indoors (this is more relevant probably to friends back in the UK as winter starts to set in).  Here are some of our new favourites to try.

#Treasure Hunt.  Now that my eldest boy can read well being in Year 2, he reads the clues and my other children follow suit.  My little pirates charge around the house, and it keeps them amused for a while.  It promotes a bit of team work and sharing so it makes it fun for them.  They can even get dressed up in different costume themes to make it more fun.

#Bubble bath.  To make the best soapy bath you will need 1/2 a cup of mild baby soap, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of light almond oil (optional).  The honey makes the children’s skin soft, and the egg white keeps the bubbles fluffier for longer.

#Camping in the great indoors.  With all these teepee tents sold everywhere the kids can camp out on the living room floor with cushions and blankets.  We did this whilst watching the very frightening Jurassic World – out of my 4 children only my 4 year-old daughter watched it until the end whilst my boys ran out half way.  Or you can even picnic in there on Thursday afternoons after school with pizza and juice.

#Bake with your children.  Baking teaches children to take turns, share, and believe it or not, it teaches them self-control and patience.  You can try making pancakes too with buckwheat or quinoa flour just to teach them the different types of ingredients that can make different tasting pancakes.  Then drizzle with organic raw honey, and instead of sprinkles you can sprinkle with ground cacao powder and chia seeds.

#Indoor sand play.  We live on the beach but oddly when we fill up our Carrefour plastic boxes with sand, the kids love it.  We make our own safaris, and driving deserts and it keeps them busy for hours.

#Rice play.  You can teach your little ones to write by getting them to write in rice, sand or soapy liquid in a ziplock bag.  It makes it more fun.  That’s this week homework from school to format the letters properly and it feels less tedious for the children but more messy for mummy.  You can’t have it all.